Creating a Sustainable Kitchen
Making a difference to our planetary health can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Starting within the home you can create a sustainable lifestyle that works for you, our planet and health. Follow us room-to-room as we help you create more sustainable spaces!
Creating a Sustainable Kitchen:
Kitchens are the heart of the home. Make yours beat with precision and strength by managing waste, reducing energy consumption, and making it a central focus for health and wellness.
Track your progress… Click below to print this as a checklist!
Manage Waste
- Become educated about how your local recycling facility accepts materials.
- Conduct a trash audit to see what you are throwing away and find opportunities to reduce waste.
- Create designated recycling bins and label them to make recycling easy and ensure items comply.
- Cook only what you need and consume your leftovers.
- Shop for produce on an as-need basis to avoid food waste.
- Compost vegetable and fruit scraps. *See our blog Easy Composting 101 to get started.
- Use cloth napkins and towels instead of paper.
- When paper towels are used, choose Select-A-Size for minimal waste.
- Choose emailed receipts instead of printed receipts when eating out or grocery shopping.
- Ask for no straws or lids when eating or carrying out.
- Patron restaurants that use recyclable utensils and containers, and sustainable ingredients.
Reduce Energy and Water Use
- Run dishwashers only when full; use short cycle when possible and hand dry.
- Wash dishes in the dishwasher before choosing to wash by hand. If hand washing, be sure to use the “two sink” method, or fill up a sink for washing then rinse sparingly using cold water.
- Install energy efficient LED lighting or CFL bulbs.
- Turn off lights when your kitchen is not in use; install dimmers and sensor lighting.
- Defrost your freezer when ice gets 1/4 thick; it will run more efficiently.
- Invest in a pressure cooker to reduce your cooking time and energy used.
- Upgrade your appliances when needed to energy-efficient options.
- Use fewer trash bags; buy decomposable ones.
- Schedule errands at one time and eat at home more often to save on gas.
Commit to Sustainable Foods and Products
- Opt for food, cleaning and household products made of organic, cruelty-free and recycled materials.
- Eat less meat; consume a plant-dominant diet.
- Buy produce that is local and seasonal.
- Purchase non-perishable foods in bulk.
- Reach for products that use less packaging.
- Swap out plastic scrubbers and sponges for dish cloths and natural fiber brushes with wooden handles.
- Invest in and utilize reusable containers, bags and wraps made from sustainable materials for food shopping and transportation.